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Stitching with Scoby . Room for Improved Futures . Rum46 . Aarhus . nov 2018

Fontana Mixing Vitruvian Correlations . Fermenting Feminisms . LABAE . Copenhagen . oct 2018

Philanthropy and social entrepreneurship . Swedish Philanthropy Summit . Stockholm . apr 2018

Myths and realities of restaurant food waste . Workshop at Parabere Forum, Malmö . mar 2018

Food and eco-preneurship . CulinaryAction! Basque Culinary Center, San Sebastian . feb 2018

Future of Food . KEA, Copenhagen. dec 2016

Collaborative food. Alibis for Interaction, Malmö . nov 2016

Microbes as Companion Species. Levande Kultur . Uddebo . oct 2016

Cooking with Bacteria.  Exchange Library . rum46 . Aarhus . oct 2016

Ecology of Production. Trade Test Site . rum46 . Aarhus . jun 2016

Care in a Post-Industrial Era. Umeå Institute of Design . jun 2016

SIDeR . Food -  Unfood . Malmö Högskola . apr 2016

Hidden Economies . The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts . 2015

Civic Cultures Conference . Lund University . 2011

Information and Innovation Policy Research Center . National University of Singapore . 2010

X-Front, participatory artistic research community . Design Museum . Helsinki . 2008

Participatory Communications Research Group . IAMCR . Stockholm . 2008

Communications Policy and Technology . Group same as above

Communications Space/ Place conference . Leeds University. 2008

Kontur Electronic Music Festival . Plex Theatre . Copenhagen . 2007

Experimental Radio Production . K3 . Malmö . 2006

Sound and Music in Public Spaces symposium . Aalborg University . 2006

Informational Aesthetics and Machines . Nordic Summer University . Kääriku . 2006

Digital Arts Weeks symposium . ETH University . Zurich . 2006